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Revision/Study checklists

Hi all!

As the dust settles, and the new academic year fully gets underway, we wanted to provide a little further support in gauging your students' progress.


While you can access your students' work through the Gradebook, you aren't always at your computer! Sometimes, you find yourself needing to check in with them mid-lesson, or flicking through their book to see what they've learnt while another teacher covered the class.


We've drawn up our own checklists, structured according to each topic in EzyBiology, EzyChemistry, and EzyPhysics. While we finalise our internal QA before adding to the courses directly, we believe it may be useful to provide 'early access', to allow you to download and use as you see fit. If the below interests you, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can send across a copy.





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How EZYedtech can help your school with flipped learning?

How our platform can help you with flip learning


Flipped learning. A pedagogical approach in which the traditional notion of classroom-based learning is averted: students are introduced to the learning material before class with classroom time then being used to deepen understanding through discussion with peers and problem-solving activities facilitated by teachers.

Our platform perfectly equips teachers with all the tools required to run a flipped classroom. Students can introduce themselves to topics by watching lecture videos and completing relevant assessments, prior to covering topics in class. As a teacher, you can then log in and use the reports to identify any areas within the topic that may require more attention in class. This in turn cuts down the time in class that you spend on basic knowledge-based teaching/learning and instead allows you to spend more class time developing AO2 and AO3 skills with EZY science for example.

Consolidation – many schools use the platform as a consolidation tool, where students are required to independently recap topics once they’ve been covered in class. The explanation feedback after every single question helps to fill any knowledge gaps as students work through the assessment – a truly formative experience!

Revision – all the course materials, plus any additional exam resources we provide (e.g. required practical practice exam questions) help support students with their revision in the lead-up to exams. Students can use their personal reports to help them identify areas where they may need to spend more time revising.

Communications with parents – the reports available to teachers are perfect for demonstrating to parents the work that their child has (or hasn’t!) been doing.

I have recently asked a number of teachers if they could write to me about how they use EZY edtech platform in their relevant course, and here are some of the responses, very generous teachers wrote to me.


Cate West from Exeter College

Hello. My name is Cate West, I am the Curriculum Area Manager for Business and Geography here at Exeter College, an outstanding College in the recent Ofsted and framework. 

And I've been asked to do a testimonial for EZY Business. So first of all, how does EZY Business help our students? Well, there's a huge number of ways that it has done this, it helps them develop their knowledge of the core concepts on the A-level course. We do Edexcel here, but they also offer other exam boards. 

EZY Business helps them develop their underlying core knowledge. It supports their appreciation of chains of reason and developing their analysis in much more depth so that they can get those higher-order thinking skills and the higher levels on the longer answer questions. 

It also helps our students with higher-order thinking skills in terms of evaluation for each of the theories that we look out on the A level business course. 

EZY Business helped raise our attainment, historically here at the College in Business, we had fairly low attainment and we've improved that recently to ALPS score of 3 and we've achieved 78% high grades let's A* to B. We're a non-selective college, state-funded. 

That's really impressive and is something we're very proud of. There are a huge number of ways that we use EZY Business in the classroom. You can use it as a starter activity or to recap on an idea or you can use it for interleaving, going back, and revisiting a topic to help students recall it. 

You can also use EZY business as a plenary at the end of a session, so you can make sure they're doing an activity to check their understanding. 

You can use it throughout the lessons on checks. 

One of the main ways that we use EZY Business is to structure students’ independent study when we're revising. We ask all our A level, students to do five hours of independent study each week alongside each of their A levels, basically their homework. 

We can set an assignment on EZY business, which is straightforward to do. I can set it by class, and we can set them videos to watch or an assignment where we've got practice questions. It helps me keep track and check on those students who are doing sufficient independent study. And those students that I may need to give more support to or in a particular area or maybe if we need to go back and revisit the topic or refresh a concept. 

If there's a common error appearing or misconception, it's really informative for me as a lecturer but also helps me keep track of where my students are throughout the year and whether they are on target or not. I thoroughly recommend EZY Business for schools and colleges. It's really helped us at Exeter College. Thank you very much, and I hope it's helpful for you too. 


Chris Butler from Barney school

We are moving towards a flipped learning approach in the Physics Department and have, for some time, been looking for good resources to support this.  The Edexcel GCSE Physics course from EZY edtech has provided us with the resources we need to allow our top-performing students to learn new material independently before each class. This means that the students arrive with good core knowledge and a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and class time can be devoted more efficiently to tricky topics, practice, and more practical work.  The lecture videos are comprehensive, and the follow-up assessments are well-scaffolded and provide a very good level of challenge, even for high-performing students. The best feature is perhaps the feedback video shown to students after they answer each question.  These videos talk through how to reach the correct answer step-by-step, which is really helpful for learning, and I have not found another product for our course that matches this level of post-question feedback. The questions also require students to ‘think’ much more than other competing platforms that I have used, which often focus more on recall; the questions on EZYedtech require genuine thought and understanding.

Teachers can also plan lessons that respond more effectively to students’ needs.  When students complete assignments, teachers can analyse their progress easily and identify questions and topics that students typically find more challenging.  This helps with lesson planning and is a brilliant tool for teacher training as it helps newly qualified teachers identify students’ misconceptions more easily.

For me, the best way to use EZYedtech depends on the ability of the class. 

For more able classes, I set an assignment where they watch the video lecture and then complete the associated assignment before the lesson. I set the completion deadline a couple of days before the lesson in which I want to cover that material to give me a chance to look at how they have managed each question.  I look for trends where large numbers of students have either succeeded or not.  I use the first part of the lesson to discuss these tricky questions and ‘teach’ the material in a more traditional fashion where necessary.  This then leads to further practice or practical work later in the lesson, but crucially by setting the learning at home, there is more time in class for practice with my (and each other’s) support.

For middle-ability classes, I tend to teach the material more traditionally in class and then make time in lessons for students to complete the assignments on EZYedtech, with either my or each other’s support.  The last few questions in each assessment can get quite hard and (intentionally) have much less scaffolding, so they can be off-putting for all but the brightest students to complete independently, but in class with a little support, I find that using EZYedtech boosts the confidence of middle ability classes. Students are able to work more independently than they otherwise would and they get access to much more individualised feedback more quickly than they otherwise would, so they learn more quickly. 

EZYedtech is brilliant for students who have missed lessons for any reason, as the lectures are comprehensive and the activities allow effective independent learning.  It is also great as a revision tool for students because they can use the lectures to plug any gaps in their understanding and use the assessments for active practice.     

 If you had been thinking about the flipped learning approach, EZY edtech is a must-try! there is a free trail available with absolutely no commitment. 



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1st September 2023 - Video Loading (RESOLVED)

UPDATE 02/09/2023

Errors were identified on a nigh-negligible number of videos (less than 0.1%), and were only down for a couple of hours over the course of yesterday afternoon. We thank you for your patience. No further issues anticipated.

Hi all,

Hope you are all keeping well and ready for the new academic year.

Some of you may be experiencing an issue whereby a small portion of content is unable to load, and is showing a HTTP 503 error. We are aware of this and are actively documenting exactly where this is appearing, as well as triaging this with our cloud services provider. We are working hard to restore this small percentage of content, and will update you the moment we have progress.

If you come across any content that is not loading as expected, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with 1/9/23 Video as your email subject. Please also include a screenshot, making sure to include the module name as well as how the video is currently depicted.

Kind regards,
EzyEdtech admin

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Error fixed

A loading error appeared on some of the lecture videos for some of the courses this morning. The first error occurred at 23:22 on 02/05/2023. We confirm that it had been fixed at 16:45 on 03/05/2023. The error was due to a system update by our video-hosting third-party platform. It is the first major error that has been recorded since April 2022.

This error only affected 14.26% of the videos we have on the platform, mainly lecture videos. The student’s homework, video feedback, and grading system were unaffected.

We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience caused to you during this interruption.

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The Ezy Edtech ltd team are greatly saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. During her reign of over 70 years as Britain’s longest serving monarch, her sense of duty and loyalty to her role was a shining example to everyone. She was admired by, and inspirational to, so many people across the world in the way she carried out her royal duties with dignity, grace, humour, and compassion. She will be sadly missed.   

EzyEdtech team  

Address: Office C, Norland House, 9 Queensdale crescent, W11 4TL  

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