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How we support learners and their teachers

We don’t spend our time creating volumes of reading material or videos for our own pleasure. Our focus is on creating learning activities that help young people thrive when they work on their own.


When young people thrive, and feel that it is worth investing time, they will work hard. When this happens technology can do the rest by recording and analysing activity and feeding this back into the teaching system.



Fill learning gaps as soon as they emerge

During each assessment students receive immediate feedback, including a full explanation of the correct answer for every question. For example, EzyMaths has a unique feedback video for each of its 4,910 assessment questions

More independent learning

EzyEdtech allows students to study in their own time and at their own pace. The wealth of lecture videos and automated assessments cater for students of all abilities. Our resources are designed to treat your pupils like students rather than children.

Warp comes with a sophisticated layout system to create any kind of sidebar or widget layout. You can easily manage the sidebar's positions and widths in the theme administration. Widgets can have different styles and be placed in any position offered by this theme. Each position has its own layout. You can align widgets side-by-side, stack them or choose your own grid layout. Show or hide widgets on mobile devices, while the grid adapts perfectly to your layout.

Warp Layout System

Great Revision Tools

Digital learning transforms revision. Students’ revision can be monitored and supported even when they are on exam leave. How else can you make sure that your students effectively cram the entire syllabus and maintain activity at a sensible level?

Monitoring & Intervention

If you give a student a textbook, you never know how much they’ve read. However, with EzyEdtech you’ll know everything. We track your students’ activity and assessment scores, enabling you to provide specific support and encouragement.

Simplify Parents Evening

EzyEdtech makes preparing for a parents evening a doddle. Our Gradebooks and other automated reports mean that you have the information at your fingertips to deliver informed and accurate feedback to parents.

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The great benefits don’t stop there!

Improved In-Class Support

If a teacher wants to try an alternative way to explain a concept, EzyEdtech is permanently on-hand to do this. Our comprehensive course coverage and lecture videos ensure we are a resource that teachers can rely on.

Make Flipped Classes a Reality

Unless there is a mechanism for making sure all students have prepared adequately, it is unlikely flipped classes will be effective. Our records will allow you to track and manage preparation and implement laser guided teaching interventions.

Effective Use of IT Resources

Whenever a student is behind a school computer or tablet what are they actually doing? A trained teacher directing activity via software solutions like EzyEconomics and EzyMaths, ensure that school IT resources are fully utilised and will have the records to prove it.

Inspired Reporting

Recording every action and facilitating lots of activity means we have plenty of data to generate reports. Our reports are easy to download, make activity and achievement clear and encourage healthy competition in class. Students actually like detailed reports with some colour in them!

Mainstream Teaching Alternative

EzyEdtech can be used as an alternative educational solution for students that have been withdrawn from the mainstream of the school. For example, students that are being reintegrated into school or have poor attendance or behaviour issues.

Covered Lessons

EzyMaths and EzyEconomics give schools flexibility and control when organising cover for absent teachers. Any teacher can cover a lesson and the school knows that the lesson will be delivered to a consistently high quality, and marked automatically for the absent teacher.

Don’t just take our word for it

"As a Head of Department, I can ask my staff to set meaningful homework on a regular basis that gives us a clear indicator of student progress and engagement, without overburdening my team. It also provided me with an overview of all our A level economists, even the ones I don’t teach. It has now become an integral part of our tracking.

It also helps reinforce and enhance the importance of the learning attributes we know are
a prerequisite to exam success. Not just independent learning, but responding to feedback, reflecting on mistakes and identifying gaps in their own knowledge and understanding, and giving them the means to address and remedy these."

Fran Smith, Reading School

Read our case studies

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