KS4 – State Non-selective – St Ambrose Barlow RC High School
“EzyScience was initially purchased to support homework for our GCSE Science students. This was reasonably well embedded by the start of the period of school closures, and it has allowed students to work independently.
During the closures it became incredibly useful to support learning remotely and the ability to monitor student progress during live lessons significantly increased engagement. Teachers delivered the content through live lessons and students would then complete assessments live and could be supported by their own teachers where this was required or use the question feedback videos.
What was really useful was the Question Level Analysis grids that allowed staff to identify areas of weakness that were common across the class and immediately provide feedback to improve understanding. One of the biggest advantages of EzyScience is the that every assessment is marked automatically, and students receive immediate feedback at the time through the support videos. Staff can then use the gained time to analyse the areas of weakness and focus on the subject areas to work on”.
Nick Irwin, Head of Science
KS5 - State 6th Form College - The College of Richard Collyer
"Ezy has been a huge help for us during the pandemic. It already plays a central role in our provision and we were able to continue this seamlessly over the last 12 months to help with distance learning. It has taken the pressure off trying to deliver new material in online sessions and meant that distance learning tasks that we set could be more engaging for the students and focus on development of skills. I also think that it has been a genuine source of comfort to Yr13 students; we’ve fluctuated between full time, blended and distance learning, but their use of EzyEconomics has been consistent throughout and I think the usage data attests to that."
Ian Smith, Asst.Director of Faculty, Head of Economics
KS4 – State Non-selective – Burnt Mill Academy
"After the first closure of schools we realised we needed to change and encourage more independent work. EzyScience has helped us to do this and as the activity has picked up I have noticed significant changes in the way our team and students work. The remote support and troubleshooting helped us to familiarise and hit the deck running last May. The activity we have experienced has a been incredible. Although the challenges vary between classes we have been able to vary the application of EzyScience to make sure everyone keeps moving forward."
Ryan Sandford: Head of Science
KS5 - Student Profile – Joe Nwajei – Hills Road 6th Form College
- How has the service helped you?
"Ezyeducation provided me with and online learning platform for A-level Business and Economics through the form of well-detailed, concise lecture videos, challenging mini-assessments and an extensive range of key examination tips. This service served a major role in my A-level revision as it helped me consolidate my subject content and the plethora of assessments frequently tested my memory recall which helped me retain the information."
- Which aspects have you found to be the most useful?
"In my opinion, i found the assessments at the end of each topic were the most useful as it was an indicator as to whether I had really understood and grasped the content of that topic coherently. Furthermore, the percentage I scored in the assessment would act as a signal if i needed to re-watch a video again and listen more attentively."
- What role did your teacher play in getting you started and inspiring you?
"My Business and Economic teachers played a pivotal role in inspiring me as i was first introduced to the online platform by them. As I am a predominantly visual learner, the platform suited my learning habits well and helped me grasp concepts quickly. My teachers regularly set homework on Ezyeducation and as i progressively used it, I could infer that it wasn't long until I would incorporate it into my daily revision routine."
- What would you change/amend to improve the service?
"One thing that could improve the service could be the implementation of more of EzyEducation’s own set of practice papers. I believe this will improve student’s exam technique and the frequent use of exam practice will boost their confidence when entering exams."
- What are your university and career ambitions?
"At university, I will be studying an Accounting and Finance undergraduate degree. After I will proceed to take my ACCA professional exam to become a chartered accountant. I then wish to study a masters in this course and further strengthen my knowledge. I aim to enter the investment banking industry as a financial analyst for 2-3 years to gain valuable experience which will allow me to venture into private equity or hedge funds later in my career."
- What sort of future do you see for this type of learning support?
"EzyEducation’s online platform provided me with a very effective way to enhance my knowledge in two of my A-level subjects. I believe it will be of a success to many more students and the potential for it to be implemented into all schools/colleges in the United Kingdom is a possible outlook for the future of this online platform.”
Well done Joe. It ahs been a pleasure to help you learn.
EzyEducation May 2021
KS4 - State Non-Selective - Ravens Wood School
"Ravens Wood have found Ezyscience an incredibly helpful way of tracking pupils progress over the course and pinpointing areas for further teaching within the curriculum. Pupils enjoy the ease of access and the way the mark book can help them focus on areas they struggle with. The instructional video clips and question reviews help with understanding and many students complete independent work to increase their knowledge and improve their marks."
Shelley Bristow - Head of Science
KS4 – State Selective – Upton Court Grammar School
“We were very grateful we had EzyScience during lockdown. Although we have set our own lessons EzyScience has complimented this work in terms of the videos and ongoing assessments to ensure our pupils have understood the work. The online capability has allowed our pupils to access the work and engage with the subject matter whenever and wherever they can at the most convenient time. Many of our pupils were fasting during Ramadan so having EzyScience when they felt able to work with the feedback even at odd hours of the day was invaluable."
Andrea Fleming, Head of Physics
KS5 – State 6th Form College – Barton Peveril Sixth Form College
Subject Leader Economics
KS4 – State Selective – Torquay Girls Grammar School - State Selective

KS4 - Independent – Sherborne Qatar School

"EzyEducation has helped our department to develop a system for effectively tracking homework for IGCSE Science. During the pandemic, where pupils have missed school, having somewhere to direct them towards recapping work has been a huge timesaver.Students and teachers found resources in the core practicals section helpful in allowing them to refresh their memory on practical methods/results or go through model data when the in-class practicals failed to work".
Salim Malik
Head of Science
KS4 – State Selective – Woodbridge High School
"I thought you would like to know that our GCSE triple science kids knocked it out of the park this year. We achieved ALPS 2 and the following achievements in each discipline - 75% achieved grade 9 to 7 in Chemistry, 83% achieved grade 9 to 7 in Physics and 83% achieved grade 9 to 7 in Biology. Many of the kids say that EzyScience contributed to this."
Marc Williams, Head of Science
KS5 – State Selective - Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School
“EzyEducation’s approach inspired me to think about how I could find more time in preparation and class to develop key skills. This was achieved by effectively outsourcing a lot of content delivery, increasing student independent learning and capturing learning data that really helps me to make a difference for my students. The value added achieved by the first two cohorts is very encouraging.”
Roger Bottomley, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School
In the period since schools first closed the service has allowed students to side step the learning disruption associated with the pandemic.
"The time I invested over the last few years in developing a digitally supported approach allowed learning to continue without any significant disruption. We continued to work on content coverage independently and the online classes were used to address gaps and focus on skills development. This is how we always work and the model sustained regardless of whether students were in class or at home. My Y12s continued to make solid progress despite school being closed."