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Materials and Pricing

Service Pricing

Pricing is available on request. You can set up an initial free trial login via our Schools Enquiry form.

Book Purchases

Schools can purchase books upon registration with us through the Schools Enquiry form, as linked above. Otherwise, schools may place orders with us over the phone or by email.

For individual students, orders can be placed at our dedicated store.

Free Trial

Schools may obtain free access to the service for a limited period and if they decide they want to continue using the service beyond the end of the trial they will be guided through the process by a member of our team. Further details will be provided after the trial commences.


EzyLexicon is a free and publicly available service subject to compliance with the terms that apply to use of our website. It provides definitions to a wide range of economic terms that are relevant to the A-level Economics syllabus. 

EzyEconomics News

EzyEconomics News is a free and publicly available service subject to compliance with the terms that apply to use of our website. This is a regular video blog which aims to make connections to the real world by relating current economic events to the material covered within the A level Economics course.



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