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Economic Terms

0-9   A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Inferior goods

A type of good where demand for the good decreases as income rises e.g. own value brand products.

Below is a diagram to illustrate the basic demand curve structure for an inferior good. If the level of real income increases this causes an inward shift of the demand curve as consumers disposable income increases they switch to better quality products that they derive a greater level of utility from. Vice versa if the level of real income decreases this causes an outward shift of the demand curve as consumers can no longer afford normal goods and therefore they switch to cheaper alternatives which are of inferior quality. 


A persistent rise in the price level within an economy over a period of time. As a result this causes the value of money in the economy to fall, as each unit of currency now buys fewer goods and services.

It is important to note that inflation in a country can be either rising or falling. But as long as the inflation rate remains positive, it can still be classed as inflation as overall the price level is still rising from one period to the next, but crucially not as significantly as the previous period. Falling inflation is called stagflation. Whilst a negative inflation rate is classed as deflation because the general price level falls from one period to the next with a negative rate.

A country's inflation rate is calculated by using a weighted price index (e.g. UK Consumer Price Index) that measures the changes in prices of the everyday goods and services that the average household consumes. It is a weighted index as greater weights are attached to the most popular goods, as price changes in these types of goods will impact households more than luxury items. The inflation rate is then measured by calculating the percentage in this weighted index from one period to the next. 

Inflation in an economy can either be classed as demand pull inflation or cost push inflation. Below is a summary of the AD-AS impact of these two types of inflation.

Both of these types of inflation push the price level up as a result of a macroeconomic disequilibrium and this in turn creates an output gap. Therefore in an exam question it is important to evaluate what is the cause of inflation in an economy and from that you can assess how large an impact this factor has had on the inflation rate i.e. has it caused the inflation rate to increase rapidly or insignificantly. This is important as from this initial evaluation point you can argue and discuss the possible economic policies that may be implemented in response to the inflation rate rising too quickly, in order to protect a country's competitiveness.

Inflation is predominantly used as an indicator about the overall strength and health of an economy as it highlights that the confidence amongst consumers and businesses is high and the labour market is in a strong and robust position. However, if inflation becomes too high then it can create uncertainty and can potentially destabilise the whole economy as money loses its value very quickly. This is known as hyperinflation and is a common problem in developing countries that run infeasible economic policies. As a result, most countries use an inflation target to keep the inflation rate within a narrow range of values. This inflation target is set at a moderate level with higher and lower bounds to ensure macroeconomic stability is in tact. In the UK the Bank of England set a CPI inflation target of 2%.

Inflation can be good and bad for an economy. Some of the benefits are: It can increase confidence and spending, reduce the value of borrower's debt burden, increase business production and reduce real wage costs for businesses. But despite those benefits it can be argued that inflation can be damaging to an economy as it creates uncertainty, lowers capital accumulation, increases menu costs and negatively impacts savers/lenders.

Overall, inflation is a very important discussion point in an exam as the level of inflation in an economy changes when the AD or SRAS curves shift. You will then be required to evaluate the extent of the inflation change by looking at factors such as:

  • The size and significance of the curve shifts
  • The sustainability of the shifts (short run and long run impact)
  • The level of spare capacity in the economy
  • The level of volatility of the inflation rate (the likelihood of creating uncertainty)

Inflationary output gap

When the price level rises as a result of an output gap arises due to a positive shift in AD (positive output gap) or negative shift in SRAS (negative output gap).

The diagrams below illustrate the two main types of inflationary pressures caused by the persistence of an output gap. The left-hand side diagram represents cost push inflation and the right-hand side diagram represents demand pull inflation.

Inflationary pressure

A situation where demand for a good exceeds supply creating pressure for prices to rise.

Informal economy

This is economic activity associated with cash transactions and barter that takes place outside the mechanisms for collecting tax and measuring economic activity e.g. if a house cleaner, is paid cash, no paperwork is exchanged and the money is spent without passing through a bank account or without declaration to HMRC.

Information imperfections

Where either firms or individuals are not aware of all the information that is relevant to make decisions about the supply and consumption of products.

Information problem

When consumers or firms make wrong decisions because they possess insufficient or inaccurate information or because they choose not to take account of relevant information e.g. smokers, heavy drinkers and unhealthy eaters.

Infrastructure projects

Are government funded building projects that maintain and develop the services and facilities that are necessary for an economy to function e.g. provision of transport, utilities and telecommunications.


Positive flows in to the circular flow of income generated by revenue from exports, government spending and investments (loans and credit).

Below is an illustration of some of the most common injections which draw money into the circular flow of income and expenditure from foreign entities. The most obvious example of this is the demand for a country's exports from respective foreign countries, as well as forms of  foreign direct investment (FDI).


Innovation is the development and improvement of existing products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas.

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